How to get from Guangzhou to Zhengzhou?

Three years, the much-awaited Canton Fair is about to start. After the fair, how do you get to our Zhengzhou factory from Guangzhou?

Don’t worry. I prepared a strategy for you!

There are several options for traveling from Guangzhou to Zhengzhou, including by air, train, and bus.

Here are the details for each mode of transportation.

By Air

Flying is the fastest way to travel from Guangzhou to Zhengzhou, with several flights available daily. The journey takes approximately 2 hours. You can check flights and book tickets online through Ctrip, Fliggy, or Qunar.

By Train

Several high-speed trains are available from Guangzhou to Zhengzhou, with a journey time of around 5-7 hours. You can purchase tickets online through the China Railway website or at the train station. The trains depart from Guangzhou South Railway Station and arrive at Zhengzhou East Railway Station.

By Bus

Taking a long-distance bus is the most affordable option for traveling from Guangzhou to Zhengzhou but also the slowest. The journey takes approximately 12 hours. You can purchase bus tickets at the Guangzhou Provincial Bus Terminal or online through travel booking platforms such as Ctrip or Qunar. Buses usually depart from Guangzhou Tianhe Bus Station and arrive at Zhengzhou Central Bus Station.

We will pick you up at any of the above stations.

I hope this helps!

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